
Welcome to Travel For Go!

These are the rules for using the Travel For Go website at https://travelforgo.com/. If you use this website, we think you agree to follow these rules. If you don’t agree, please don’t use Travel For Go.

Here are some words we use:

  • “Client,” “You,” and “Your” mean you, the person using this website.
  • “The Company,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us” mean the people who run Travel For Go.
  • “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” refer to both you and us.


We use cookies on our website. By using Travel For Go, you agree to this as explained in our Privacy Policy. Cookies help us remember your information when you visit our website. Some other websites we work with might also use cookies.


Everything on Travel For Go belongs to us or the people who let us use it. You can only use things from our website for yourself, following the rules here.

You can’t:

  • Share or sell anything from Travel For Go.
  • Copy or use things from Travel For Go without permission.
  • Share our content with others without permission.

Starting Agreement

These rules start when you begin using our website. We made these rules with help from a legal tool.

User Comments

You can share your thoughts on our website, but we aren’t responsible for what people say. We might remove comments that break the rules.

When you post a comment:

  • You have permission to post it.
  • Your comment doesn’t break any laws.
  • Your comment isn’t harmful or untrue.
  • Your comment isn’t for advertising or selling things.

We might use your comments in different ways.

Linking to Our Website

Some groups can link to our website without asking, like government agencies or search engines. But they must follow our rules. Other groups might need to ask for permission to link to us. We’ll decide if it’s okay. You can’t use our logo or art without permission.


You can’t put frames around our website pages without asking us first.

Content Responsibility

We’re not responsible for what appears on other websites that link to us. You should make sure your website follows the rules and doesn’t link to harmful content.

Our Rights

We can ask you to remove links to our website if we need to. We might also change these rules at any time. By linking to our website, you agree to follow these rules.

Removing Links

If you find a link to our website that you don’t like, you can tell us. We might remove it, but we don’t have to. We don’t guarantee everything on our website is accurate or up-to-date.


We’re not responsible for any problems you have while using our website. This includes things like errors or if our website isn’t available. We’re not liable for any loss or damage from using our website unless the law says we are.

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